Results for 'A. R. Nadal'

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  1.  10
    Othello y el problema de los otros. Una aproximación a la filosofía de Stanley Cavell.Alex R. Nadal - 2002 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 25:41-56.
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  2. Stanley Cavell and the new north-American philosophy.A. R. Nadal - 2005 - Pensamiento 61 (229).
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    (1 other version)Filosofía y literatura, hoy: De l atradición francesa al" caso estadounidense"(O del'giro lingüístico'al'giro literario'en filosofía).Alex R. Nadal - 2001 - Dilema: Revista de Filosofía 5 (2):13-37.
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  4. On Lewis against magic: a study of method in metaphysics.A. R. J. Fisher - 2018 - Synthese 195 (5):2335-2353.
    David Lewis objected to theories that posit necessary connections between distinct entities and to theories that involve a magical grasping of their primitives. In On the Plurality of Worlds, Lewis objected to nondescript ersatzism on these grounds. The literature contains several reconstructions of Lewis’ critique of nondescript ersatzism but none of these interpretations adequately address his main argument because they fail to see that Lewis’ critique is based on broader methodological considerations. I argue that a closer look at his methodology (...)
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    "He got his last wishes": ways of knowing a loved one's end-of-life preferences and whether those preferences were honored.A. R. Wittich, B. R. Williams, F. A. Bailey, L. L. Woodby & K. L. Burgio - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 24 (2):113-124.
    As a patient approaches death, family members often are asked about their loved one’s preferences regarding treatment at the end of life. Advance care directives may provide information for families and surrogate decision makers; however, less than one-third of Americans have completed such documents. As the U.S. population continues to age, many surrogate decision makers likely will rely on other means to discern or interpret a loved one’s preferences. While many surrogates indicate that they have some knowledge of their loved (...)
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    Buddha as a Revolutionary Force in Indian Culture.A. R. Wadia - 1948 - Philosophy 23 (85):116 - 139.
    Few people would care to deny, whether within India or without, that Buddha is the greatest Indian of all times. Whether from the standpoint of the purity of his life, the daring originality and novelty of his thought, or the extent of his influence in shaping the culture of the world, it would be hard to beat the record of Buddha. Even making every allowance for the common idea that no man is a prophet in his own land, it is (...)
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    Is Life a Dream?A. R. Lacey - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (3):433 - 451.
    I suppose the most obvious difference in fact between dreams and waking life is the chaotic nature of the former. But this somehow seems to be a mere contingency. Some of our dreams are more contingent than others, and it seems hard to impose any upper limit of coherence on them. Also it is usually after we wake up that they seem incoherent. Similarly many dreams are largely matters of sensation and emotion, mood and atmosphere, with little or no reasoning (...)
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    A Note on Theocritus I. 51.A. R. Ainsworth - 1905 - The Classical Review 19 (05):251-.
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    (1 other version)A Prosopography of Julio–Claudian Equites.A. R. Birley - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (01):126-.
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  10. Prisi︠a︡gai︠u︡t raz i navsegda.A. Dikhti︠a︡rʹ - 1970 - Moskva,: Politzdat.
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    A continuous distribution of moving dislocations.A. R. Rosenfield - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 24 (187):63-69.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ ėpokhi postmoderna.A. R. Usmanova (ed.) - 1996 - Minsk: Krasiko-print.
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    The Fresco of the Cupola of QusayrcAmra.J. -P. Brunet, R. Nadal & Cl Vibert-Guigue - 1998 - Centaurus 40 (2):97-123.
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    The Oxford handbook of empirical aesthetics.Marcos Vartanian Nadal & Oshin Vartanian (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Humans have engaged in artistic and aesthetic activities since the appearance of our species. Our ancestors have decorated their bodies, tools, and utensils for over 100,000 years. The expression of meaning using color, line, sound, rhythm, or movement, among other means, constitutes a fundamental aspect of our species' biological and cultural heritage. Art and aesthetics, therefore, contribute to our species identity and distinguish it from its living and extinct relatives. Science is faced with the challenge of explaining the natural foundations (...)
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    Georg Lukács: Magus Realismus?Sara Nadal-Melsió - 2004 - Diacritics 34 (2):62-84.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 34.2 (2006) 62-84 [Access article in PDF] Georg Lukács Magus Realismus? Sara Nadal-Melsió The reception of Georg Lukács's theorizing of realist narratives has been complicated and controversial, often relying on an artificial division of Lukács's oeuvre. On the one hand, the widely admired History and Class Consciousness stands as the mouthpiece for anything philosophical or political in Lukács. On the other, one finds a generalized dismissal of (...)
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    Descartes on the distinction between primary and secondary qualities.Anna Ortín Nadal - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (6):1113-1134.
    ABSTRACTDescartes did not use the terms ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ qualities, but a similar distinction emerges from his texts: certain qualities of objects are intrinsic pr...
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    Didáctica de la utopía.Antonio Nadal Masegosa - 2024 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 16 (1):233-257.
    Las siguientes líneas presentan un análisis de las connotaciones de la utopía, a través del cual es posible un cuestionamiento certero acerca de si, hasta el momento, por medio de lo institucional/académico, se ha estado considerando, y con ello, proyectándose didácticamente, una utopía que, lejos de la ambigüedad, no es el mismo sueño para estamentos privilegiados que para la mayoría de las personas que no ostentan dichos privilegios. Desde el pasado a la más rabiosa actualidad, se trata de mostrar cómo (...)
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  18.  20
    La persistente mirada de Hinkelammert sobre los fenómenos de la conciencia social.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2005 - Polis 10.
    La autora presenta al “Estado de derecho” como un campo de lucha. Desde arriba, se busca conferirle ese estatuto al nuevo poder mundial, correlato y brazo político-militar de las burocracias privadas. Es la estrategia de globalización –que reduce la democracia a puro procedimentalismo formalista- y que no puede sino generar desde abajo resistencias mundiales: resistencias programáticas y organizadas que buscan construir otro mundo posible, por un lado, y por otro lado resistencias irracionales, sin capacidad de articulación política. La autora recorre (...)
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  19.  50
    El humanismo latinoamericanista de Arturo Andrés Roig.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (59):11-26.
    El trabajo analiza la obra del filósofo Arturo Andrés Roig, recientemente fallecido, desde la perspectiva del humanismo latinoamericano, corriente de pensamiento crítico de fuerte presencia en América Latina. El núcleo de la propuesta teórica de Roig está dado por la problemática del sujeto o, como ..
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    El pensamiento de Franz Hinkelammert desde la perspectiva de una filosofía latinoamericana.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2001 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 6 (12):50-63.
    Apartir de una revisión de la definición tradicional de la filosofía y de una crítica de sus supuestos, el artículo propone una formulación del quehacer filosófico latinoamericano acorde a las exigencias de una agenda teórica y práctica actual. A continuación se valora el aporte de Franz Hinke..
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    Mercado global y ciudadanía civil. La recuperación del horizonte de la emancipación humana en la filosofía política de Franz Hinkelammert.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (25):9-33.
    Based on a crit i cal analisis of the fun da - men tal works of Hinkelammert, an at tempt is made to sys tem atize his eth i cal and po lit i cal thoughts in ref er ence to the op po si tion be tween “global mar ket/civic cit i zen ship”. The ef fort to re cover the lib er tar ian potencial in ..
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  22. Unidad continental y democracia social en el pensamiento latinoamericano del siglo XIX.Estela María Fernández Nadal - 2006 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 53 (2):9-10.
    El trabajo propone un recorrido por la historia hispanoamericana del siglo XIX, a fin de recuperar para la reflexión presente las formulaciones más destacadas de la vastísima tradición intelectual de la unidad continental, así como también los antecedentes, menos prolíficos pero no por ello menos importantes, de una teoría de la democracia en un sentido amplio, popular y participativo. El cruce de estas dos vertientes del pensamiento de nuestra América constituye en conjunto un programa identitario que todavía nos interpela y (...)
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  23.  15
    What can María Zambrano contribute to mediation and to the philosophy of mediation?Helena Nadal Sánchez - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (7):925-936.
    ABSTRACTFrom a specific point of view, mediation is the process whereby a third party helps to change their attitude from an adversarial one to a collaborative one which allows them to work together in finding and creating solutions to their conflict. Mediation deals with conflict from its own perspective and it has its own status as a dispute resolution process in the systems of justice, where it is recognized. The Philosophy of Mediation has been developing as a discipline, which analyses (...)
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  24. Darwin's legacy: A comparative approach to the evolution of human derived cognitive traits.Marcos Nadal, Lluís Barceló-Coblijn, Antonio Olivera, Julia F. Christensen, Cristina Rincón-Ruíz & C. Cela-Conde - 2009 - Ludus Vitalis 15 (32):145-172.
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  25. Darwin´s legacy: a comparative approach to the evolution of human derived cognitive traits.Marcos Nadal, Lluís Barceló-Coblijn, Antonia Olivera, Julia Christensen & Cristina Ruiz - 2009 - Ludus Vitalis 17:145-172.
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  26. A propósito de la Historia de las Ideas Latinoamericanas.Estela Fernández-Nadal - 1999 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 4 (6-9):7-31.
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    Karla R. Poppera teoria języka.Wojciech Słomski - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 6 (1):69-90.
    Dla zrozumienia Poppera teorii języka sprawy najważniejsze wydaje się być nie tyle jej właściwa rekonstrukcja, gdyż zrekonstruowanie ogólnych poglądów Poppera na język nie jest trudne, ile uchwycenie specyficznego dla Poppera stosunku do języka, który nadał szczególne piętno zarówno jego wczesnej filozofii nauki, wyłożonej w latach trzydziestych, jak i późniejszym koncepcjom metafizycznym i epistemologicznymi. W przeciwieństwie do poglądów na ewolucję i funkcję języka ów ogólny sposób traktowania języka pozostaje w filozofii Poppera w sferze założeń, w dodatku nie zawsze wyłożonych expressis verbis, (...)
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  28.  27
    The Routledge international handbook of neuroaesthetics.Martin Skov & Marcos Nadal (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    The Routledge International Handbook of Neuroaesthetics is an authoritative reference work that provides the reader with a wide-ranging introduction to this exciting new scientific discipline. The book brings together leading international academics to offer a well-balanced overview of this burgeoning field while addressing two questions central to the field; how the brain computes aesthetic appreciation for sensory objects, and how is art created and experienced.
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    Brain Intersections of Aesthetics and Morals: Perspectives from Biology, Neuroscience, and Evolution.D. W. Zaidel & M. Nadal - 2011 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 54 (3):367-380.
    Human aesthetic experiences are pervasive; they are triggered by faces, art, natural scenery, foods, ideas, theories, and decision-making situations, among many sources, and seem to be a distinctive trait of our species. Our moral sense, understood as our capacity to judge events, actions, or people as good or bad, appropriate or inappropriate, also seems to be an exclusively human endowment (Ayala 2010). As part of the scientific efforts to characterize the biological foundations of our human uniqueness, recently there has been (...)
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  30.  32
    Michael Heinrich, Crítica de la economía política. Una introducción a El Capital de Marx, Traducción y prólogo de César Ruiz Sanjuán, Escolar y Mayo Editores, Madrid, 2008, 240 p. [REVIEW]Estela Fernández Nadal - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 22.
    El libro de Michael Heinrich tiene el doble mérito de presentar una mediación de la obra cumbre de Karl Marx, redactada en un lenguaje claro y accesible, y de proponer, al mismo tiempo, una interpretación densa y erudita del famoso texto. El autor no sólo evita las simplificaciones y los esquematismos, sino que incluso se interna por las complejidades y paradojas del pensamiento marxiano, que han dado origen a discusiones y polémicas nunca saldadas, y nos ofrece siempre una posición argumenta..
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    Mexico’s Corn-Producing Sector: A Commentary. [REVIEW]Alejandro Nadal - 2006 - Agriculture and Human Values 23 (1):33-36.
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    Editorial Introduction to the First Issue of Economic Thought.John Latsis, Alejandro Nadal & Annalisa Rosselli - 2012 - Economic Thought 1 (1).
    In August 2011 Edward Fullbrook, the editor of the Real World Economics Review and the driving force behind the World Economics Association (WEA), asked the three of us to take on editorial roles in the newly established philosophy, methodology and history of thought journal of the association. The project was, to say the least, rather daunting. We had a document outlining the scope and editorial policies of the would-be journal written by Grazia Ietto-Gillies. Grazia had also developed the proposed Open (...)
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  33. Curricular innovations in a small island state : developing intercultural competence in pursuit of holistic growth.Aruna Ankiah-Gangadeen & Pascal Nadal - 2021 - In Kehdinga George Fomunyam & Simon Bheki Khoza (eds.), Curriculum Theory, Curriculum Theorising, and the Theoriser: The African Theorising Perspective. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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    La consolación de la filosofía.Juan S. Boethius & Nadal Seib - 1943 - México,: Espasa-Calpe argentina, s.a.. Edited by Luis G. Alonso Getino, Aguayo, Alberto de & [From Old Catalog].
    A Latin-American/Spanish edition of the medieval classic. Boethius' treatises on meditation and beauty are still valid to this very day.
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  35. A biological approach to a model of aesthetic experience.O. Vartanian & M. Nadal - 2007 - In Leonid Dorfman, Colin Martindale & Vladimir Petrov (eds.), Aesthetics and innovation. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 429--444.
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    Ii against A. R. Louch.A. R. Louch - 1975 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 5 (3):481-487.
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  37. Pensées d'Un Villageois [Signed A.R.].R. A. & Pensées - 1861
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  38. Abstracta and Abstraction in Trope Theory.A. R. J. Fisher - 2020 - Philosophical Papers 49 (1):41-67.
    Trope theory is a leading metaphysical theory in analytic ontology. One of its classic statements is found in the work of Donald C. Williams who argued that tropes qua abstract particulars are the very alphabet of being. The concept of an abstract particular has been repeatedly attacked in the literature. Opponents and proponents of trope theory alike have levelled their criticisms at the abstractness of tropes and the associated act of abstraction. In this paper I defend the concept of a (...)
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  39. Instantiation in Trope Theory.A. R. J. Fisher - 2018 - American Philosophical Quarterly 55 (2):153-164.
    The concept of instantiation is realized differently across a variety of metaphysical theories. A certain realization of the concept in a given theory depends on what roles are specified and associated with the concept and its corresponding term as well as what entities are suited to fill those roles. In this paper, the classic realization of the concept of instantiation in a one-category ontology of abstract particulars or tropes is articulated in a novel way and defended against unaddressed objections.
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    Happy families.A. R. D. Mathias - 1977 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 12 (1):59.
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    Interview: A. R. Ammons.D. I. Grossvogel & A. R. Ammons - 1973 - Diacritics 3 (4):47.
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    Methods of Logic.A. R. Turquette & Willard Van Orman Quine - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):268.
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    Philosophic Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.A. R. Turquette - 1945 - Philosophical Review 54 (5):513.
  44. Priority monism, partiality, and minimal truthmakers.A. R. J. Fisher - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (2):477-491.
    Truthmaker monism is the view that the one and only truthmaker is the world. Despite its unpopularity, this view has recently received an admirable defence by Schaffer :307–324, 2010b). Its main defect, I argue, is that it omits partial truthmakers. If we omit partial truthmakers, we lose the intimate connection between a truth and its truthmaker. I further argue that the notion of a minimal truthmaker should be the key notion that plays the role of constraining ontology and that truthmaker (...)
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  45. Structural universals.A. R. J. Fisher - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (10):e12518.
    Structural universals are a kind of complex universal. They have been put to work in a variety of philosophical theories but are plagued with problems concerning their compositional nature. In this article, we will discuss the following questions. What are structural universals? Why believe in them? Can we give a consistent account of their compositional nature? What are the costs of doing so?
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    Explanation and Human Action.A. R. Louch - 1968 - Journal of Philosophy 65 (3):81-84.
  47. Mȯnkhȯȯr savlasan mȯnkhbus.Daramyn Batbai︠a︡r - 2004 - Ulaanbaatar Khot: Nomos.
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  48. David Lewis, Donald C. Williams, and the History of Metaphysics in the Twentieth Century.A. R. J. Fisher - 2015 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 1 (1):3--22.
    The revival of analytic metaphysics in the latter half of the twentieth century is typically understood as a consequence of the critiques of logical positivism, Quine’s naturalization of ontology, Kripke’s Naming and Necessity, clarifications of modal notions in logic, and the theoretical exploitation of possible worlds. However, this explanation overlooks the work of metaphysicians at the height of positivism and linguisticism that affected metaphysics of the late twentieth century. Donald C. Williams is one such philosopher. In this paper I explain (...)
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    The strength of Mac Lane set theory.A. R. D. Mathias - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 110 (1-3):107-234.
    Saunders Mac Lane has drawn attention many times, particularly in his book Mathematics: Form and Function, to the system of set theory of which the axioms are Extensionality, Null Set, Pairing, Union, Infinity, Power Set, Restricted Separation, Foundation, and Choice, to which system, afforced by the principle, , of Transitive Containment, we shall refer as . His system is naturally related to systems derived from topos-theoretic notions concerning the category of sets, and is, as Mac Lane emphasises, one that is (...)
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  50. Musical Works as Structural Universals.A. R. J. Fisher - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (3):1245-67.
    In the ontology of music the Aristotelian theory of musical works is the view that musical works are immanent universals. The Aristotelian theory (hereafter Musical Aristotelianism) is an attractive and serviceable hypothesis. However, it is overlooked as a genuine competitor to the more well-known theories of Musical Platonism and nominalism. Worse still, there is no detailed account in the literature of the nature of the universals that the Aristotelian identifies musical works with. In this paper, I argue that the best (...)
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